The End of an Era

Today, May 3rd, 2017 marks the end of an Era. When I joined the Junior League in 2004, I never imagined the impact the organization would have on my life or the friendships that would form. 

I joined the South Brevard league and within minutes I knew the decision was the right decision. I was challenged to lead areas I never thought possible. Within a few years I was leading a council of 80 members raising valuable funds for the mission. I lead the communications council and negotiated sophisticated media contracts. The league took a chance on me and challenged me to excel. The skills I learned in the 5 years in South Brevard laid the foundation for my future career path. 

In 2009, I transferred to the Junior League of Phoenix. Transferring to a new league was intimidating and I was nervous going through the transfer program. At my first General Membership Meeting, I sat down next to someone who would become a life-long friend and BFF, Annette Tanori. The JLP was a sea of endless opportunities and a chance to become a transformational leader. I have lead the Foundation, lead the strategic plan, lead the committee to select community programs and created many programs along the way. What I didn't realize at the time is that the JLP would be a place where I would make meaningful life-long friendships. The JLP has become my tribe, my training grounds and enriched my life in ways I never imagined. 
Tonight, I officially become a sustaining member of the Junior League. I could not have ended on a better note! I was honored to give out $60,000 in Funding to the Community! The foundation provided the JLP with the largest gift ever $22,800! Most notably, I was honored to present the Sandra Day O'Connor Award to my BFF Jennie Elser. This is my tribe, excelling in every level! #Proud #LeavingaLegacy

Now I am a sustainer! I am nervous, I question my decision, and consider what is next. As the chapter closes, I am excited to begin the journey into a new status and new adventures. 

People are asking, what's next? Honestly I don't know. What I do know, is this is not goodbye. The Junior League will always be part of my life. I love my tribe, I love the League. #IAmJLP
