2017 Adventures of the Soul

Adventures of the Soul, my 2017 theme, emerged in my quest to stretch myself personally. To find things that made me uncomfortable, experience things that rocked me to the core. I first wrote about my theme in my blog. The past year has been full of adventures that have filled my soul with challenge, learning and immense growth. 

What I learned about myself last year shaped my adventures. Personally, accomplishing big goals has always come easily, well most of the time. My mind is very pragmatic and this allows me to break down a goal into small manageable chunks. This year I set out on some adventures, with excitement, I share with you (some of ) my 2017 adventures. 
  • A quest to learn as much as possible about Arizona, through Valley Leadership

Valley Leadership was a true adventure beyond my imagination. Originally, when I applied and was selected I thought the experience would be a good professional development program. What I found instead was a group of people that have become my close friends and people I can count on to show up in the community. The small group project stretched me to think through complex problems and government paperwork to figure out how to help start a nonprofit called 19 North. We had the opportunity to tour many of Arizona's hidden gems. After a year of stretching myself, getting uncomfortable and enjoying the ride I was selected to give the graduation speech. Through this journey, I realized that Arizona has become my home. The longest place I have lived since I was a child, is now the place I call home.  
  • The forming of a non-profit giving society, The Joyride Society, with four of my like minded friends
The Joyride Society officially kicked off last year in January and we began recruiting members shortly after. We hosted a small gathering at a founders house and invited others to join us in our journey to spreading joy. We were overwhelmed with the response that resulted in several new members. After a year, we are about to give out the first gift in Jan of 2018. This has been an exciting journey one that I am proud of. Check us out at http://www.joyridesociety.org/ 
  • My quest to raise $10,000 for LLS in the FY17 Fiscal Year
Bummer, I didn't accomplish this... I exceeded this goal! I raised over $25,000! WHOOO HOOO. This year has been a great year in the area of blood cancer breakthroughs. I had a part in that by raising valuable funding for research. But there is still work to be done. 
  • A new business helping others being efficient, organized and in charge of their time
Helping others to take charge of their time is one thing I am most excited about. I have spent the last year, thinking about and dreaming up how I can help others. I realized that my talent is helping people achieve their goals at work and in life. My new business is launching Jan 27th with a workshop followed by a 3-month journey! Join me New Year Workshop Website
  • A book mulling around in my head
This adventure is still developing, two outlines currently in process. 
  • Travel to new lands
Well, I altered this one a bit. I traveled this year but I traveled to many familiar places. This year I was fortunate to travel to Cabo with some new and old friends. We had a week of relaxing, enjoying the beach and soaking up rays! I also traveled to well known lands in California and Florida for races this year. It was nice to be back in my old beach town of Melbourne enjoying the familiar landscape and faces.

One trip was especially memorable. A trip with my mom to the World Championship Horse Show.  It was the first time I can remember ever watching a horse show with my mom. Growing up she sat in the stands with my Aunt cheering me on, then came back to the barns and while I worked. It was amazing to be back in that arena seeing faces of the past and enjoying the beautiful horses with my mom. A memory I will cherish forever. 

  • Stretching my limits physically with upcoming challenges
This year was filled with physical challenges! I traveled to CA to participate in the Light Side Challenge at Walt DisneyLand and completed the Rebel Challenge (10K and 1/2 Marathon in one weekend). 

Then I traveled to Walt Disney World in April to run the Dark Side Challenge. Same distances different parks. Both events I have participated in every year since they started earning my Disney Legacy Runner Status. 

Then it was on to Tour de Tucson a 54 mile bike ride. I have wanted to get back on the bike for a longer ride for a bit and was able to complete the ride this year, making an old friend a closer friend in the process. 

Finally the last stop was the Space Coast 1/2 Marathon in Florida in November. I stayed with my first Team in Training Coaches and it was nice to be back running in familiar territory with good friends. 

  • Developing deep relationships with close friends
The relationships I formed in Valley Leadership were the biggest surprise of the year. There is not a week that has gone by that I have not talked to or did something with one of my new friends. Even more surprising was how close we became so quickly. I furthered developed relationships with long term friends and got closer with others I never expected would be my friends. 
  • Learning and growing in new areas (Toastmasters)
Joining JLP Toastmasters was one of the best decisions of 2017. I love to challenge myself especially when it comes to learning new things. Toastmasters has provided me with a creative outlet and well defined goals to strive for. The JLP Toastmasters group is exceptional! The women are supportive and encouraging, one would expect nothing less from the JLP.
  • I stretched myself to explore new roles 
In 2017, I set out to find some new roles and stretch myself to do things differently. I joined the ResilientMe Board of Directors and was elected President. This was an easy fit for me with my passion for youth in foster care and building nonprofits. In the past six months, we have grown the board, stabilized the fundraising model and laid the groundwork for program expansion. 

Junior League has been a part of my volunteer DNA since 2004 when I joined in Florida. This year I made the transition from active membership to sustaining membership and rolled off the board in Phoenix. The League has provided a multitude of training opportunities and shaped my passion for the community. I applied and was selected for a position on the Governance Committee of the Association of Junior Leagues' International. I am honored to have been selected and look forward to serving. 

Adventures of the Soul - 2017 did not disappoint. 

Live life to the fullest, a promise I made to my brother. I will continue to keep this promise as long as God allows me to. Life is good, my soul is full. 

2018... Let's do it! 
