2017 Adventures of the Soul

As each year comes and goes, I reflect on my time on this planet. Am I really doing in my life what I am called to do? When I reach my last breath will I be happy how I spent my life, or will I regret it? These are the questions of many. I would venture to bet most would do things differently if they had a "do over". For years, I have been annually evaluating the previous year's activities, goals, and my ideas for the upcoming year on New Year's Eve. While, I don't believe in resolutions, I do believe in planning and ensuring that a focus is on the plans.  Many years ago, I started assigning a Theme for the Year. This has
proven to be a good way to ensure that my year is filled with purposeful activities that bring meaning and value to my life. 

As I reflected on 2016, I had accomplished my major goals and initiatives and really experienced the level of achievement I had set out to achieve. I had finally found a "job" that fills my need for analytical thought and creativity and also fills a higher purpose. I had made a big impact by opening my home to a foster child. I was accepted to Valley Leadership and stretched my comfort zone by joining Suns 88 and Toastmasters. Things are good, but.... good is status quo. 

In my reflection, I realized that it had been a number of years since I did something that was transformational to the core of my being, down to my soul (the very fabric of who I am). And from there my 2017 Theme was born: Adventures of the Soul!. What does this mean? To me this means doing things that are uncomfortable, things that stretch my normal everyday, things I am not naturally good at AND experiencing cultures and activities that are not my norm that rock me down to the core. 

What kind of adventures am I seeking? Who knows, but I will know them when they present themselves. I do know that I don't balk when presented or decide that "obligations" should stand in my way. I want to stretch my learning, change my capability, gather more content for a great life story, become unstoppable, gain compassion for new cultures, open doors, change people's lives, and leave a lasting impact. 

Adventures in the works: 

  • A quest to learn as much as possible about the place I call home, Arizona, through Valley Leadership (including the helicopter and corrections facility tour)
  • The forming of a non-profit giving society, The Joyride Society, with four of my like minded friends
  • My quest to raise $10,000 for LLS in the FY17 Fiscal Year
  • A new business helping others being efficient, organized and in charge of their time
  • A book mulling around in my head
  • Travel to new lands
  • Stretching my limits physically with upcoming challenges
  • Developing deep relationships with close friends
As I dive into the Adventures that fill my soul and rock my core, I invite you to add to my list, join me, push and challenge me. I won't say no! 

2017 Theme Adventures of the Soul
