Leaving a Legacy

Every two years, Alpha Phi’s from all across the country gather for convention, typically in a hot climate at a fancy resort. This year the Phi’s flocked to humid, Miami Florida and stayed at the Doral Resort and Spa. While this may seem like a luxurious trip, I assure you we did not spend time at the Spa, downtown Miami, nor the pool.

We had more important things to tend to…  We have women to empower, lessons to be learned, money to raise, and a wonderful sisterhood to celebrate. We are a progressive group of women who change as the world changes.

While in Miami, we re-connected with our past. Our beautiful history display reminded us that our founding members were strong women that were passionate about the women’s movement. Alpha Phi was left to us to guard and protect, to ensure that women had the same opportunity that they created for us. We had the privilege of watching former International President Phyllis Sims Seig (Gamma Delta-Kansas), 1974-78 preform the initiation ceremony by memory.

While our founder’s may not have been able to envision the Alpha Phi of today, I think they would be proud as we revealed that we raised over $10 million for the Alpha Phi Foundation for leadership. They would have loved Martha Mast dancing with her dance partner in Alpha Phi’s version of Dancing with the Stars.

Convention is always awe inspiring and empowering. The women of Alpha Phi are strong, empowering, and an inspiration. I am proud to be an Alpha Phi, and I know that when we leave the fraternity to the current young member they will do us proud.
