I am Goofy

I am officially Goofy....

About 9 months ago, I signed up for Goofy. What is Goofy? It's a half marathon (13.1 miles) on Saturday followed by a full marathon (26.2 miles) on Sunday. Many people have asked me why would anyone want to do that, followed by how did you do that? Well I will tell you, honestly, it's the challenge and the medals. It's honestly crazy what the body can do when pushed and what people will do for a medal!  It's not the physical medal, it's what the medal stands for. The medal is a symbol of accomplishment. Goofy was the ultimate challenge, 39.3 miles in a weekend. So how did it go?

Amazingly it went well. I arrived in Florida and I was picked up by Mom, my uncle Bill and Bonnie. I proceeded to head to the pool to relax before a big weekend.

Day 2, The Expo for packet pick up and then Islands of Adventure and Universal Studios. I have been to both parks before, however it is always cool to experience the park with someone new. Especially the Harry Potter park. The detail was amazing and lots of cool things to see and do.

Day 3, Epcot! Another tried and true park that I have visited often. In Japan, I was fortunate enough to pick two 7.5 + pearls out of two oysters, it was very cool. I had them set into a pendant. My favorite part of Epcot is by far the evening show, but I had to leave to prepare for the race challenge.

Half Marathon Day 13.1 miles- Donald's Race
2:00 am wake up call...enough said. I got ready in record time and headed to the Disney bus. Once I arrived at the staging area. It honestly felt like home, I have done this event before, but I was welcomed by my first Team in Training team from South Brevard. It is amazing to see so many warm and friendly faces. It was just like I had never left. After a quick stretch we started the march to the start. The plan for Donald's 13.1 miles, take it slow and have fun. I did just that... I stopped for every character and took lots of photos. It was fun to see familiar faces on the course and really enjoy just running. 3 hours and 30 minutes later I was finished. Post race recovery... ice bath and a dip in the cold pool. Then back to the Expo for some last minute shopping

Full Marathon Day 26.2 - Mickey's Race =39.3 total and Goofy's Challenge
2:00 wake up call again.. A little sore, a little nervous. 26.2 miles is a long way and the distance is always intimidating. The effects on the body are always tough, it sucks and is a long way. Starting the day off sore is not a good way to begin and adding the fact that I was tired could make for a very long day. My friend Lisa from many seasons ago was also doing Goofy. She typically runs alone, and I was prepared for her to leave me or vice versa. However 26.2 is a long way, an even longer way if you are alone. Our goal, run and walk as long as we can together.

The start was slow, muscles were tight and anxiety was high but all was good. Until mile 9, wow mile 9 is early to hit a wall. But I felt it. Total miles 22.  Just keep running when the watch beeps was the goal, anyone can do anything for 3 minutes. After 9 the mile markers seemed to come quickly. Around Mile 16 we switched to 2 minute runs and 2 minute walks. It was hot... we checked into a graveyard. Next thing we knew mile 18 sign then we were greeted by the candlestick at mile 20. Only 6 more miles and we were still run walking. Honestly it was the biofreeze that kept us going. We stopped at every medical tent.

Miles 20-26 were tough, but we made it. We just kept moving, running and walking when the watch beeped. Crossing the finish line before the cut off was amazing. Running 26.2 miles with a friend start to finish was amazing.

Post Race
Ice bath... pool.... eat.... sleep.... repeat. I spent the night with my mom at Downtown Disney we had a nice meal. Then the next morning... ice bath... pool then my flight. The next day I was stiff but I could walk.

The body is amazing but it's the mind that proves to be the most amazing. It goes to show you what you can do with a positive attitude and the support of a friend.

My friends helped me cross the finish line... thank you to them!
Lisa, my new marathon buddy... when two people do 26.2 miles together they become closer.
Barry and Michelle for always providing excellent advice
Coach Mike for taking our minds off our legs by telling us how he was riding roller coaster during the race
Brandi for her positive encouragement
Megan for her screaming our name on the course
Joy for the positive facebooks posts
Vicki for letting me borrow her watch
Marcella for allowing me to fundraiser with her. 
Mackenzie for being the best bar back ever
Josh for supporting my in all my crazy adventures
Kolby for his positive encouragement
Kecia for always supporting me
My mom for always believing in me
Uncle Bill and Bonnie for a great vacation
Alley, Cynthia, Rosie and Lisa for your donation to the Leukemia Society

And mostly thank you to the patient's battling Leukemia for allowing me to run in your honor. We will find a cure; I will run until we do.


  1. You make me want to do the Goofy challenge but I don't run enough to pull it off yet.. great blog.. loved it.. Great job!!


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