Summertime projects await!

Summertime is my favorite time of year! I feel the most relaxed,
creative and energetic during the summer. Summer cannot get here soon enough this year! I anxiously await several of my summer projects!

Summer begins and will kick off some creative, bold and life changing adventures. SOUL Adventures!! In my past, I thought if I worked harder and longer hours that I would be filled up emotionally and achieve success. The cycle is never ending; work, paycheck, bills, work, paycheck, bills. This is not what life's about and it does not add any value to my adventures of the soul!

It's time to do something BOLD, Creative, Fun and life changing! What could that be? I have searched my soul, thought about my impact on the world and how I can make an impact I truly desire. What I learned and observed about myself motivated me to evaluate what I have come to believe and who I thought I wanted to be.

“Observing yourself is the necessary starting point for any real change.” – Brothers Chalmers
